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IXXK300N60C3 IGBT Transistor

The IXXK300N60C3 is a N-Channel insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT). This transistor has a three-terminal device with Gate (G), Collector (C) and Emitter (E) terminals.

Circuit diagram symbol of the IXXK300N60C3 transistor as follows.

Circuit diagram symbol of the IXXK300N60C3 transistor

IXXK300N60C3 Transistor Specification

Transistor Code IXXK300N60C3
Transistor Type IGBT
IGBT Control Channel Type N-Channel
Package TO264
Collector Power Dissipation (Maximum) Pc 2300W
Collector-Emitter Voltage (Maximum) VCE 600V
Gate-Emitter Voltage (Maximum) VGE 20V
Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE(on) 2V
Collector Current (Maximum) IC 510A
Operating Junction Temperature (Maximum) 175 oC
Collector Capacitance 743
Rise Time 85

UXPython is not the creator or an official representative of the IXXK300N60C3 IGBT transistor. You can download the official IXXK300N60C3 IGBT transistor datasheet to get more infromation about this transistor.

Note : Copyrighted materials belong to their creator or official representative.

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