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2SK3582MFV MOSFET Transistor

The 2SK3582MFV is a N-Channel metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) is the most common type of field-effect transistor (FET). This transistor has a three-terminal device with Gate (G), Drain (D) and Source (S) terminals.

Circuit diagram symbol of the 2SK3582MFV transistor as follows.

Circuit diagram symbol of the 2SK3582MFV transistor

2SK3582MFV Transistor Specification

Transistor Code 2SK3582MFV
Transistor Type MOSFET
Control Channel Type N-Channel
Package VESM
Transistor SMD Code 5*
Drain-Source Voltage (Maximum) VDS 20V
Drain Current (Maximum) ID 0.0003A
Drain-Source On-State Resistance (Maximum) RDS(on) 1800Ohm
Power Dissipation (Maximum) PD 0.1W
Operating Junction Temperature (Maximum) 125°C

UXPython is not the creator or an official representative of the 2SK3582MFV MOSFET transistor. You can download the official 2SK3582MFV MOSFET transistor datasheet to get more infromation about this transistor.

Note : Copyrighted materials belong to their creator or official representative.

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