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2SC1582 NPN Transistor

The 2SC1582 is a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) with an NPN-type configuration. That means the 2SC1582 transistor has a positively charged layer between two negatively charged layers. This transistor has three terminals Base, Collector, and Emitter.

The 2SC1582 transistor symbol shows an arrow from the base into the emitter. This means that the current flows from collector terminal to emitter terminal.

Circuit diagram symbol of the 2SC1582 transistor as follows.

Circuit diagram symbol of the 2SC1582 transistor

2SC1582 Transistor Specification

Transistor Code 2SC1582
Transistor Type BJT
Transistor Polarity NPN
Transistor Material Silicon(SI)
Package X92
Collector Power Dissipation (Maximum) PC 140W
Collector-Base Voltage (Maximum) VCB 65V
Collector-Emitter Voltage (Maximum) VCE 35V
Collector Current (Maximum) IC 13A
Operating Junction Temperature (Maximum) TJ 180°C
Emitter-Base Voltage (Maximum) VEB 4V
Forward Current Transfer Ratio (hFE Value) 10
Transition Frequency FT 50MHz

UXPython is not the creator or an official representative of the 2SC1582 NPN transistor. You can download the official 2SC1582 NPN transistor datasheet to get more infromation about this transistor.

Note : Copyrighted materials belong to their creator or official representative.

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