The 111T2-18 is a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) with an NPN-type configuration. That means the 111T2-18 transistor has a positively charged layer between two negatively charged layers. This transistor has three terminals Base, Collector, and Emitter.
The 111T2-18 transistor symbol shows an arrow from the base into the emitter. This means that the current flows from collector terminal to emitter terminal.
Circuit diagram symbol of the 111T2-18 transistor as follows.
Transistor Code | 111T2-18 | |
Transistor Type | BJT | |
Transistor Polarity | NPN | |
Transistor Material | Silicon(SI) | |
Package | TO18 | |
Collector Power Dissipation (Maximum) | PC | 0.8W |
Collector-Base Voltage (Maximum) | VCB | 60V |
Operating Junction Temperature (Maximum) | TJ | 175°C |
Emitter-Base Voltage (Maximum) | VEB | 4V |
Forward Current Transfer Ratio (hFE Value) | 30 |
UXPython is not the creator or an official representative of the 111T2-18 NPN transistor. You can download the official 111T2-18 NPN transistor datasheet to get more infromation about this transistor.
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