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Programming Tutorials

Start learning Programming and GUI development

Learn Python Basic

This section will teach you to learn the basics of Python programming. If you are a beginner in Python programming, this section is the perfect place to start learning Python.

Learn Python Kivy

This section will teach you to develop GUI programs using the Python Kivy module. This section is the perfect place to start mobile app development with Python.

Learn Python Tkinter

This section will teach you to develop desktop GUI software using the Python Tkinter module. Tkinter is the most popular library for developing desktop applications using Python.

Learn Python PyQT

This section will teach you to develop large-scale cross-platform GUI apps using PyQT module. Also, PyQT is available with the dual license of GPL and commercial.

Learn wxPython

This section will teach you to develop desktop GUI software using the wxPython module. Also, you can use wxWidgets to develop an attractive UI with wxPython.

Learn PyGame

This section will teach you to develop mini-games using PyGame module. Also, You can develop your own 2D games for desktop environments using PyGame.

Python Mini Projects

This section shows you how to develop various mini-projects using Python. You can get interesting ideas by following this section to make your own project using Python.

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